The people of Maui Lahaina need our help and prayers.
As I’ve had time I’ve been watching Eric with Hawaii Real Estate. He’s interviewing survivors, raising money to help survivors and doing all the footage he can to the sharing of Lahaina. Now authorities aren’t allowing drones to go over the burnt areas and trying to keep people out.
It’s striking that some homes were burnt to a crisp and others across a street weren’t touched. Something is terribly wrong with what happened there and now continues to happen. Their communication is cut off, cell phones don’t work and Fema and Red Cross are not even present.
Fema is staying in fancy hotels at $1400 a crack but requiring
survivors to submit all these forms and go in circles to get little or no help. Most of us know that Red Cross and Fema are worthless and this confirms it once again. Unfortunately to
the harm of the people there. How with spotty cell service and no internet can these
people do the worthless crap Fema is requiring!!
Many are donating Star Links to help with communication but it’s still not enough.
It’s shocking that escape routes for people were blocked off the day of the fires and the people on those routes burned to death unless they got out and ran.
I encourage you to be informed, watch a few of the videos and don’t watch regular media. We all know most are just liars with their own agenda.
If this can be done to Maui it’s certainly a taste of what can come. Sobering reality!

Simply Backwoods
Let the Peace of Jesus Rule, Stay Focused
and Keep Preparing One Step at a Time
That one is so bad I have trouble even following it. Some things are just so horrible I have trouble looking at it. I am praying for them, that you can be sure of.
I’ve heard some of the accounts, I’ve seen some of the videos, none of it adds up. I wonder if this ends up being some sort of tipping point for the people of Hawaii?
One thing you can be sure of, when the SHTF government is slow to respond and when they get there they make everything worse.
Good evening, Jamie.
I do hear what your saying and I am keeping up with Eric as much as I can
when he shares. Seems like the powers that be are working non stop to stop
the truth from coming out and this just is so wrong.
Watching the interviews and what he/the survivors shares is heartbreaking and
tough to deal with without question.
No doubt if we think we can’t rely on government now it will become increasingly
less so to non-existent.
Stay safe, stay aware and keep moving forward with all you have.
Blessings to you, your mom and your sweet little dog.