Bringing Friday to a Close
I wanted to get here before I call it a night and
give you an update since wasn’t here yesterday.
I had trouble with the internet off and on most of
I am thankful for my proton vpn. With the
kill switch on it shuts internet issues down
before anything bad can go on.
I read on a couple alternative news sites that
social media was having issues as well.
With social media and internet having issues
I do take notice and try to be safe.
I watched the replay of the Opt of the CBDC
event and they even had technical issues.
Today was the last day of the event and here are
the links to the replays if you’d like them.
It’s been a lot to wrap my head around but
watching the replays and digesting some
more helps.
Here’s the Replay for yesterday–Buying and Selling in Underground Markets–https://odysee.com/@johnbushlivefreenow:c/cbdcoptoutchallengeday4replay:b
And was able to watch Day 5 (the last day)with Richard Groves-
Putting everything into an Actionable Plant.
I don’t see the replay for today (Day5) on Odysee yet but hopefully will be soon
and I’ll share it.
I am now on https://freedomcells.org/ as Cindy at Simply Backwoods
I have connected with a couple groups and people and plan to start a couple groups myself.
Perhaps in time I’ll connect with likeminded in my area.
I’ll also create my crypto wallet but at this point finances are too limited to do anything beyond that. But I’m hopeful in time.
I’m going to be proactive and let 2023 be a year of solutions for myself.
I hope you will as well.
I’ve lived so long in the environment and workings of the Central Banking
System even knowing what undermining plans are in the works,
I’m really having to deal with underlying issues and discomfort of the
changes required.
I’ll definitely be as honest and transparent as possible as I go forth. I hope you will
get comfortable to do so yourself. It’s time to build community and find our
likemindedness vs reasons that divide us.
It’s more important than ever to work on preparedness and have plans and
goals to reach them. Whether it’s buying crypto, gold, silver, bartering, etc
The time is now not tomorrow to be ready and continue to ready ourselves.

Awhile ago I made Cola from a recipe I found.
Well I made it and it was super sweet.
Sweeter actually than Dollar Tree Cola. And one problem
I didn’t think of was no caffeine lol
I like my Cola but probably more than that my caffeine lol
My solution was cutting up all the apples I had on hand and
rebel canning them with this super sweet juice.
Awe what the heck. It has cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom and
these apples will be tasty.

I also saved some of the apple seeds to start more
apple trees. Last years trees got to about a foot tall
and thankful they took off.
I was going to use the rest of the Cola juice
to do some 🍠sweet potatoes but ran out of time.
It will be a project for tomorrow.

I’m hoping tomorrow evening and when all is quiet
after a busy puppy is asleep to share something on
my mind-purifying water.
So I’ll be interested what your currently doing to
store water, purify it if on city water and your plans
to purify water in days to come when things may be
far from ideal.

Well I’m going to enjoy some more tea, and enjoy ending the night
with Ron Foster’s book, The Prepper Road Compendium.
If you haven’t read any of Ron’s books on paperback or on
Kindle, I strongly urge you to do so.
Ron has a way to bring fiction and practical solutions for
preparing together in ways I seldom find with other books.
If your interested click the book image above and learn more.
May you have sweet, peaceful sleep tonight.
Please seek to stay at peace with yourself,
stay focused and keep preparing one 👣step at a time.