Good evening.
Unseasonal weather here brings the time to get ready
for doing aquaponics indoors.
I’ve done some successful aquaponics with aquariums to grow plants.
Since I have fish in a pond outdoors that I’ll be bringing in, they will
be perfect for the start of my newest beginning in aquaponics.
Have you done aquaponics or hydroponics or maybe you still do?
I’d appreciate hearing about your experience and what your doing.
I’ll be starting out very small until I obtain the rest of supplies needed.
I just purchased a book from Food for Freedom and excited to start
my venture in aquaponics. I’ll share a link to the video in a few.
I hope you’ll watch all the way through. With food shortages and all
that’s going on we owe it to ourselves to be proactive and prepared.
It’s totally up to you.
I keep hoping things aren’t going to happen and keep casting off
fear when finances are so tight to do more than minimal at times.
I ask myself, “but what if I stay reliant on the already failing food supply
system and I’m screwed”!
Here’s the link to watch, learn and get your book if your ready to get going
on this: Click here>> Food For Freedom
I look forward to sharing more as I go forth with this.
Now on to sharing cute little puppy, Thor who get’s cuter by the day.

Little Thor is now over a pound, weaned off the syringe with a nipple and eating wet food.
When he’s not eating or napping he’s playing like crazy lol
I hope you have the very best night.
Keep your focus, keep seeking to be at peace and keep preparing one
step at a time.