Baby Chicks, Growing and Water
Good evening.
I’ll keep this short probably this evening.
My apologies for being absent for awhile.
I have now 3 day old baby chicks that are doing super well.
They are in a small kennel inside of a bigger one to keep
kitty paws out. I look forward to lots of eggs when they
are about 6 months old.
They’ll be inside here for some time and soon will be in the
bigger kennel after I secure it from kitty paws. Then I will decide where
they’ll be relocated after they are a bit bigger and older.
I’m looking into chicken coops and all my options.
With all the chicken farms that have caught fire and some
dishonesty about bird flu (maybe a lot of dishonesty)
that has resulted in even culling healthy birds,
I’m going to be very careful where I put them.
Not to mention the plans of the powers that be
thinking cows, chickens and pigs are harming
the environment so we shouldn’t have any, eat
meat except from a lab and ingest lots of bugs
in our foods.
I’m fairly certain those making these plans are
still eating steak, chicken and pork chops.
I’m still focusing on 2023 being the year of
solutions not focusing on fear and problems
without looking for alternatives.
Then there is the poison intentionally
released by burning toxic chemicals in Ohio
that has a lot more far reaching effects than
I expected.
Friends of mine at Deep South Homestead
shared a chemical spill in Hernando, Mississippi,
Desoto County of Hydrofluoric Acid.
This hasn’t been in the news to my knowledge
and I had to search for it.
Anyhow I contacted Berkey to ask if their filtration systems
can remove the dioxin and other toxic chemicals
such as those from Palestine, Ohio.
They stated that possibly the black filters may
remove some but not with any certainty.
Aquatabs also stated the tabs will not remove the
toxins either.
I was watching a few videos Alaska Prepper did
on youtube. He talked about Reverse Osmosis,
specifically Simpure and I signed up as an affiliate.
I’m waiting to see if they payout in some other
means besides PayPal.
I know they have under the sink models and
counter models.
Reverse Osmosis by far seems the best solution I’ve found
but I do encourage you to keep doing
your research and be careful.
It’s so very important to have drinkable water that is
safe and for other things we need it for.

It’s getting late for me and I’m going to get
puppy Thor to his bed and wind down for the night.
There is so much going on in our world.
Now more than ever we must stay at peace
with our Lord at the center, stay focused,
and keep preparing one 👣step at a time.
Have a restful night and peaceful Sunday