A Merry Prepper Christmas to you.
I hope you’ve been enjoying your Christmas.
Did you spend your day with your family and friends?
I was at my daughter’s with grandkids and friends
for awhile this morning. The rest of the day has been
at home with Little Thor and the Kitty Cats.
Little Thor got his favorite rolled chicken bone from my
daughter so he thought he should help unpack anything
else I brought home-socks, rice pinto beans and dried
dates lol
He had to make sure no other bones hiding.
I enjoyed getting some candles and socks and
even some prepping type things such as rice,
pinto beans and dried dates. My family sorta
is catching on.
We also had some nice munchies and cinnamon
rolls too.
This year I am more conscious to build memories
to hold onto. Who knows what next year’s
Christmas will look like. Not being negative
but some reality possibly.
Organic Prepper shared an interview with
Selco and how their Christmas was like during
the war in the Balkan Region.
Christmas During the Balkan War
I pray ours never resembles this
but it makes one cherish memories
and value the meager things we
have available.
I hope you have the best night.
Stay safe, and keep prepping
one step at a time.

Simply Backwoods
Let the Peace of Jesus Rule, Stay Focused
and Keep Preparing One Step at a Time