Valuable Insights and Newsletter info for your Wednesday.
I wanted to share this Preparedness Roundtable with Todd, Mic and Brian.
Some good information that you may find useful all across the board
in being prepared.
If you prefer you can listen to the podcast: Disasters, Food and Homesteading
I think I have most of the kinks worked out for the Newsletter sign up if
your interested in being updated when I create a new post or have some
awesomeness to share with you.
If you have an issues just let me know and I’ll be back to the drawing
board. Eventually I may do a separate page for the newsletter but
for now click the image below, sign up and be sure to confirm
in your email you get.

This is a wonder filled and awesome time of year at Christmas.
Everywhere I turn are ads to buy this or buy that but
the adverts don’t help those in need.
Many families sadly don’t have much to give their little ones
even though they work their tails off to provide.
This is my friend, Lauren’s Littles in the picture above.
I can’t really send her anything for her kiddos until
after the first of the year but I asked her permission
to share and she said, “yes”! I hope to be a part of
making their Christmas last into 2023.
If you’d like to help and contribute to their
Christmas I do have a paypal for her which
many of us don’t use but I do have her address
or her and Matt’s paypal if you wish.
I will give out in a private email rather than
publicly share it here if your interested to
even send a check or a money order for them.
Just let me know and we can connect via email.
You can shoot an email off to me at
Please just put Lauren in the subject so I don’t
miss your message.
Keeping it short and simple tonight.
I hope you have the best night, seek to
stay at peace, focused and keep preparing
one step at a time.