One Way to Have Clean Water
Clean water is a Necessity is a something I started sharing
on awhile back.
I’m very behind with keeping so busy this time of year.
Nonetheless, it’s time to get back to sharing as much
as I can in between what I’m working on here.

The Water Wise distiller above is my favorite for
non-electric distilling but unfortunately
it’s no longer available. I’m very
disappointed about this too.
But there are ways to distill water right
at home, with or without using one’s stove.
Below is a helpful link for you to learn
more. Instructables always has some
great how to instructions for various
Distilling Water
I’m not currently distilling any water indoors
on the stove or outdoors due to the extreme
heat. I’m working on gardening outdoors
but only in early morning and evenings
when the sun isn’t beating down on me.
Let me know if you find this useful.
I haven’t looked on Amazon to see if there
are distillers available. I’m preferring to
stay away from Amazon as much as possible
I look forward to sharing what’s going on
soon and some current happenings with
one of my animals as well.