What’s one to do on a cold, snowy day?
For me it was keeping the fire in the hearth and
doing some cooking that warms the insides.
Puppy Thor likes to sleep in the kennel with whichever cat is in there.
They have a heating pad at one end so it’s a cozy place to
I was kind of in a slump with the cold weather and a
good opportunity to practice staying peaceful,
focused and to carry on prepping just one
step at a time.
I did take some time to catch up with a few great folks I
follow on youtube-Alaska Prepper, Offgrid with Doug and Stacy and Deep South Homestead.
I also spent some time trying out
some more goodies from Nutrient Survival.

Nutrient Survival’s Memory Chocolates are
I’m pleased to support my brain health and
enjoy what I’m taking in to do so.
Okay I admit I’m a chocoholic and these hit
the spot. I have to be careful to not get
carried away devouring too many lol
I’m not sure how long this offer is good for
but right now you can get a Free 30 Day Supply
plus 10% off your first order of everything
by entering code Memory30 at Checkout.
If you’d like to learn more about these
delicious Memory Chocolates or get
your taste buds on some head on over
to Nutrient Survival
I’m going to call it a night and I
hope yours is restful.
Tomorrow I’m making bone broth from
a lot of bones I have frozen for future
I’ll be back to share what I’m up to.
Stay peaceful, stay focused and keep
preparing one step at a time.