It’s a Cold Winter ❄️Night & Post Inauguration
I woke up this morning to temps way below zero and
it was brrrr.
The wind isn’t making it much better tonight but
at least it made it to -7 with the wind chill.
I put one of chicken’s radiant heaters out a
few days ago in the area I fixed up
for the one very feral cat I still
feed out back and the others I see on
I went to my daughter’s house earlier for my grandson’s
20th birthday party. It was simple. Just stir fry
and cupcakes. It was nice to get together with
everyone since I don’t go far these days.
I definitely let the car warm up a good long time
before I ventured far.
I watched some of the inauguration yesterday
knowing that today the regular media
and alternative would continue to weigh in
on it all.
I’m hopeful but not jumping to any conclusions
of how life will be with Trump in office now.
I’m also not jumping to any conclusions of
the nonsense stopping from those that have
been in power and still working behind the
scenes to destroy us and our country.
We sure live in crazy times in our world
yet one has to seek to stay at peace and
stay prepared for anything without going
crazy about it all.
I read an article Todd from Ready for Your Future
shared on being resilient.
I found it very helpful and realized I have some room for
I thought I’d share the article and think you may find it
helpful to do any fine tuning you may want to do.
I so want to thrive beyond just surviving and the article
truly hit this home in areas I need to be more
I find my attitude at times really sucks
and staying positive no matter what can make a
huge difference for me.
I haven’t arrived but glad I’m alive and can improve.
Overall my animals and family are doing well and
staying healthy.

Little Thor was groomed at the end of December.
I preferred him not to be so short but he was
a mess and had to be done this time.
Thankful for a fear free vet I found but
due to his reactivity he still had to be sedated.
I was so hoping it would be different but thankful
he’s not all matted now.

The chickens are going to bed for the night (above)
so more contained but their doing well. I let them
out for the day time in a larger confined area so
they have lots of room to explore, etc.
They seem to take turns molting but I still
get from 3-5 eggs a day so no complaining.
I’m hopeful in warmer weather to add a few more
baby chicks to ensure egg production continues in
the future.
I’m not falling for what I believe is a lot of man made
bird flu pandemic nonsense.
We’ve had bird flu for 100’s of years and treated it
and didn’t have to cull chickens and stores raise
egg prices sky high.
I know weather is weird everywhere but I hope your
staying warm and cozy and all is well.
Until next time.

Simply Backwoods
Let the Peace of Jesus Rule, Stay Focused
and Keep Preparing One Step at a Time
Oh, Cindy, hoping you’re keeping warm in this bitter cold. How kind of you to consider the feral cat, too.
This has been one of the best weeks in America during my lifetime. I feel cautious but am very pleased that so much of the evil done to us is being un-done.
Don’t know if you have plenty of reading material but I’ve set up a huge list for myself of books to read free online. I absolutely prefer having a real book in my hands but my wish list is bigger than my bank balance, so if I can read them for free online, I do.
Hi Carla.
It’s finally warming up some here yeah!
Even with some wind warmer temps are nice.
How’s weather where you are at?
Weather is so bizarre and not normal at
all these days.
I hope some day the calico feral cat will allow me to
get near her without trying to scratch me
I know it’s normal if a cat has to survive
But at least I try to make sure she has some
food, the radiant heater panel and keep
watch out that she’s coming around.
Here we are into the second week of our new
president and I’m like you even if a bit
cautious too. There is so much evil around
us and people’s mindset of hatred and disrespect
is so unbelievable at times.
I think it’s a great idea to read books online as
much as you can. It is nice to have a real book
in your hands but reading online does have a
bit more mercy on our bank account lol
I have been blessed with some free books
sent to me from Ron Foster from Alabama who
writes novels but also their filled with how
to’s for the world we live in and if things
should get worse. Their so full of knowledge
I’ve been re-reading them too.
I may try kindle at some point again, if can but
for now minding my finances tightly.
The library here has it set up now so a person
can read books online too and when I have time
I see if some good books to read.
I hope you have the best day and week.
Take care, stay warm if cold there and
do all you can to be prepared along
with reading all the online books you can.